
OML 109

Kariya is in partnership with Atlas Petroleum International, the owner of OML 109, to develop the asset.

OML-109 provides a unique opportunity to quickly monetize hydrocarbon production from a world-class asset located in the heart of the prolific hydrocarbon producing Niger Delta area.

OML-109 has already produced over 15 MMBO from the Ejulebe Field in the northern part of the block.

2D Seismic: 675 km, 3D Seismic: 1900 km2.

One of the key attractions of OML-109 is the numerous low-moderate risk prospects on the block with similar geology and are good analogues to the nearby discoveries and fields that are on trend.

Prospects have an un-risked recoverable resource potential > 1.4 Billion BOE and located close to the world-class gas condensate Sonam discovery (estimated at 5 TCF and 400 MM STBC) to the west, and the Okan oil and gas field to the east (720 MMBO and 1.2 TCFG). Oil and/or gas resources from new discoveries can be evacuated via the Ejulebe Field facilities.

Production License valid until 2037